Why Teach?

Preparing to Teach

Cornell’s Physics and Education Departments offer a series of opportunities for students interested in exploring physics teaching careers and earning teaching certification. 

For Undergraduate Students:

  1. Set up a meeting with our Physics Teacher in Residence, Jim Overhiser (jlo34@cornell.edu), to discuss your teaching interests.
  2. Participate in our Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Program, and take the seminar course Physics 4484, “Teaching and Learning Physics”.
  3. Join the Cornell Teacher Education Program, and consider a minor or outside concentration in Education. 
  4. Obtain a Master of Arts in Teaching and certification in Physics teaching.
  5. Learn about grants and other sources of funding to support your training as a teacher.

For Graduate Students:

  1. Set up a meeting with our Physics Teacher in Residence, Jim Overhiser (jlo34@cornell.edu), or Professor Robert Thorne (ret6@cornell.edu) to discuss your teaching interests.
  2. Take the seminar course Physics 7684, “Teaching and Learning Physics”.
  3. Obtain a Master of Arts in Teaching and certification in Physics teaching.
  4. Learn about grants and other sources of funding other than graduate teaching assistantships to support your training as a teacher.